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This year's theme is: Accepting Imperfection 

Artists, photographers, dancers, composers, filmmakers and authors are invited to participate in the National PTA Reflections program. This program offers all BPS students the opportunity to create works of art for fun and recognition. Reflect on the theme. Create an original work. Be recognized!

Pembroke main logo

How to Apply

Entry Form 

Each individual entry needs its own student entry form. Entry form will ask for an artist statement which consists of 10 to 100 words explaining how the entry is related to the theme, what inspired the work, etc.  The artist statement is required.  Please also provide a title and do not title the entry the theme.

Only 1 entry per category per student is permitted.

Contact your Local School Reflections Chairperson or PTA for due date and information on how to submit to your school. 

General Participation Rules - FOR ALL CATEGORIES

Each entry is the work of only one student. 

Music Composition, Dance Choreography and Film Production entries can have performers other than the entering student but the composer, choreographer or producer/camera person is the student entering the contest. 

Consent form required for anyone featured in the entry that is not the entering student. The Consent Form is located on the right side of the page. 

Do not write student name on the front of any entries. Do not include entering student's name inside any music, dance or film files.

Only 1 entry per category per student.

 All entries must be original and inspired by this year's theme "Accepting Imperfection" Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. Plagiarized entries will be disqualified. 

There are 5 Age Groups/Divisions:

  • Primary Age Group (Pre-K to Grade 2)
  • Intermediate Age Group (Grade 3 to Grade 5)
  • Middle Age Group (Grade 6 to Grade 8)
  • High School Age Group (Grade 9 to Grade 12)
  • Accessible Arts Group (formerly Special Artist Group)/All Grades Welcome

Also, see summary of category-specific rules below under “Learn More”.  Full category details in blue-shaded box on right side of webpage.


Congratulations to National Reflections Winners Vivienne Tomrich from Beverly Elementary & Thayla Hunter from Groves High School!

Reflect on this year's theme and submit original artwork in any of the following categories: